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Re: How many fds can *you* open?

On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 08:13:42AM -0800, Dan Kegel wrote:
>I'm having trouble on both my recently-updated cygwin machines.  They
>crash after opening 130 to 180 fds.  Here's a little program that just
>counts how many fds it can open for /dev/null.  I suspect a few of you
>will also have my problem.  Could you run this and report back how many
>fds it reports, or whether it crashes?

No.  Please do not do this.

There is no reason to flood the list with data like this.  By your own
admission, you don't know enough to debug the problem and asking for
data with no one available to do anything with the data is just asking
for noise.

I'm terminating this subject.


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