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Re: Starting a Win32 app from inside Cygwin

Chris Powell wrote:

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction here, though I'm not
even sure this is possible.

I currently use cygwin in WinXP to display X session from an AIX machine.
This works very well.  The software on the AIX box can call a word processor
(Uniplex) on the AIX box to edit text files.  What I'd like to do is instead
of launching the AIX word processor inside of the X session is launch Word
on the WinXP machine to edit the file out on an NFS.

Another site is currently doing this, but they are all linux and OpenOffice.
The script on the AIX box does a rsh back to the linux box and opens OO word
processing with the text file on an NFS.

It there anyway to do this back to a WinXP box?

Any advise is appreciated.

You probably can do that using ssh.

You might be able to run Samba on your AIX machine instead of using nfs. You might also be able to install SFU from MS which is supposed to support NFS.


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