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Re: Minimal test case for Make crash bug

Dan Kegel wrote:
Got it.  I'm attaching a minimal test case.  glibc's makefile
requires that Make be able to handle 140 levels of include recursion,
but cygwin Make crashes after about 130 -- unless you're running
under gdb or strace, in which case it works fine.
To repeat the bug, just unpack the two attachments and run 'make'.
If you have the bug, it will crash; otherwise it will echo a list
of 140 words.

Christopher Faylor wrote:
You should probably investigate using the CYGWIN environment variable
"error_start" field:

Also, please send the output of the stackdump file here.

I'm attaching make.exe.stackdump (another new feature of cygwin, cool).

Sadly, error_start didn't seem to be able to start gdb:

$ export CYGWIN=error_start:/usr/bin/gdb
$ make
*** starting debugger for pid 2156, tid 496
4 [main] make 2488 try_to_debug: Failed to start debugger: Win32 error 3
*** continuing pid 2156 from debugger call (0)
Signal 11

but hopefully the stackdump file will give you what you need.
- Dan

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=6102B0BB
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=0000003C esi=00226668 edi=0A07B0B0
ebp=00226610 esp=00226610 program=C:\cygwin\bin\make.exe, pid 3400, thread main
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
00226610  6102B0BB  (00000000, 00000000, 00226650, 6101E154)
00226620  610317F4  (00000000, 0000001B, 000000D0, 61093940)
00226650  6101E154  (00226668, 00000058, 002266A0, 0A07C453)
002269C0  6101DEB8  (0A07B0B0, 00000000, 00000001, 00000000)
00226A20  61094FD1  (0A07B0B0, 00000000, 000001B6, 61093882)
00226A40  610E61A6  (0022F208, 0A07B0B0, 00000000, 000001B6)
00226A70  610D5E9C  (0022F208, 0A07B0B0, 00413CC1, 61056402)
00226A90  610D5F41  (0A07B0B0, 00413CC1, 00226AD0, 61093882)
00226B80  610882AF  (0A07B0B0, 0000000A, 00000007, 00000000)
00226C70  00414EC0  (0A07ADD0, 0000000A, 00000007, 00000000)
00226D60  00414EC0  (0A07ADE0, 0000000A, 00000007, 00000000)
00226E50  00414EC0  (0A07A278, 0000000A, 00000007, 00000000)
00226F40  00414EC0  (0A0796A8, 0000000A, 00000007, 00000000)
00227030  00414EC0  (0A0753E0, 0000000A, 00000007, 00000000)
00227120  00414EC0  (0A0793D8, 0000000A, 00000007, 00000000)
00227210  00414EC0  (0A078888, 0000000A, 00000007, 00000000)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)

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