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Re: tin-1.6.2: 8-bit chars not displayed, gettext transliterates


On Sat, 20 Mar 2004 11:05:46 +0100, Corinna Vinschen
<> wrote:
>It was not a known problem but now it is.  I have no solution for
>that problem so far, unfortunately.  Try experimenting with setting
>the environment variable ISO2ASC to values between 0 and 6 before
>starting tin, perhaps that mitigates it a bit.

I guess I've come up with sth to resolve the issues:

First off, transliteration is a general gettext issue in Cygwin 
(i.e. applicable to mutt, slrn, etc. also) and can be remedied by
setting OUTPUT_CHARSET in the environment accordingly, e.g.

$ OUTPUT_CHARSET=iso-8859-1 LC_ALL=de_DE tin -ra

I'm not sure whether all versions of gettext shipped with Cygwin
honors this env. var, but gettext-0.12 (cygintl-2) knows about it.

As for displaying 8-bit chars in messages, I've tweaked one line in
sources (see below) and rebuilt with --disable-locale, specifically:

./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --enable-prototypes\
    --without-pgp --without-pgpk --with-screen=ncurses \
    --disable-locale --disable-mime-strict-charset

I've managed to display 8-bit chars after that in messages, in headers
also. The tweak below enables NLS without locale (which is Cygwin),
but have not tested thoroughly to observe side-effects, if any.

diff -Nur tin-1.6.2/src/main.c tin/src/main.c
--- tin-1.6.2/src/main.c        2003-08-10 16:27:36.000000000 +0300
+++ tin/src/main.c      2004-03-20 09:56:54.004414400 +0200
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
        cmd_line = TRUE;

        /* initialize locale support */
-#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE) && !defined(NO_LOCALE)
+#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE)
        if (setlocale(LC_ALL, "")) {
 #      ifdef ENABLE_NLS
                bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);

Alper Atıcı
PGP key @

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