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Program with big static data array fails before main(), but not when compiled with -mno-cygwin?

Is there a limit on the static data one can have in a cygwin1.dll
dependent program?

$ f=qwe.c; for ((i=150;i<=170;i+=5)) do echo '#include <stdio.h>'>$f; echo 'char q['$i'*1024*1024L]; int main(){printf("here '$i'\n");return 0;}' >>$f && gcc $f && (./a || echo failed for $i); done
here 150
here 155
failed for 160
failed for 165
failed for 170

$ f=qwe.c; for ((i=150;i<=170;i+=5)) do echo '#include <stdio.h>'>$f; echo 'char q['$i'*1024*1024L]; int main(){printf("here '$i'\n");return 0;}' >>$f && gcc -mno-cygwin $f && (./a || echo failed for $i); done
here 150
here 155
here 160
here 165
here 170

$ regtool -v list /HKLM/Software/Cygnus\ Solutions/Cygwin
mounts v2\ (cygnus)
Program Options\ (cygnus)
heap_chunk_in_mb = 0x00000200 (512)

This is with the current (as of an hour ago) 1.5.8. cygwin, Win2K with
unknown number/level of SP(s), while in rxvt console.


Ljubomir Josifovski

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