On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 07:26:03PM -0800, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
I'm observing the following:
Thu Mar 18 19:22:53 PST 2004
C09-272-A:perl -e 'print scalar (localtime) . "\n"'
Fri Mar 19 03:22:58 2004
C09-272-A:ccperl -e 'print scalar (localtime) . "\n"'
Thu Mar 18 19:23:03 2004
C09-272-A:type -p perl
C09-272-A:type -p ccperl
C09-272-A:uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.0 C09-272-A 1.5.7(0.109/3/2) 2004-01-30 19:32 i686 unknown
unknown Cygwin
Notice that when using Cygwin's perl I get a GMT time but when using
ccperl (A perl from Rational Clearcase based off of ActiveState) I get a
proper PST time. My question is why and what can I do to fix it.
This is a bug in localtime_r (seen by threaded perls under cygwin) that
I think is fixed in 1.5.8.
You can work around it by putting "use POSIX 'tzset'; tzset()" anywhere
before the first call to localtime.