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Re: Question on Perl (.pl) association

* Martin Gainty (2004-03-19 15:48 +0100)
> I have the greatest respect for the incredible job that the CYGWIN
> maintainers have done with BASH shell.

According to "/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/bash-2.05b.README" the Cygwin
bash is almost plain vanilla. So the Cygwin maintainers have done a
terrific job with Cygwin but not much with bash. 

> But the last time I used a bash shell on a Unix platform I was able
> to setup the .pl to perl association but I cannot within CYGWIN.

Hear, hear - you never mentioned this. So what did you actually do
under this Unix platform and what were the actual error messages when
you tried the same thing under Cywin?! 

> this is a nice to have feature which I would  prefer to boost to a
> "must have" feature

Use the new zsh (in bash compatibility mode to make your bash scripts
run) - that's what my posting was about.

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