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Re: Question on Perl (.pl) association

* Igor Pechtchanski (2004-03-17 20:51 +0100)
> Again, since you have no such restrictions, simply change the '#!' line at
> the top of your .pl files to '#!/usr/bin/perl -w' (or add it at the very
> top if it isn't there).  This should be enough to allow you to invoke .pl
> files (or any other files, for that matter) from Cygwin shells using perl
> (after appropriately 'chmod +x'ing them, of course).

Another possibility would be to use a decent shell, hehehe:

| New features between zsh versions 4.0 and 4.2
| ---------------------------------------------
| Syntax and builtins:
| - Suffix aliases allow the shell to run a command on a file by suffix,
|   e.g `alias -s ps=gv' makes `' execute `gv'.  Supplied
|   function zsh-mime-setup uses existing mailcap and mime.types files
|   to set up suitable aliases.  Supplied function pick-web-browser is
|   suitable for finding a browser to show .html etc. files by suffix alias.


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