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RE: Mosaic

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of LarrysPCRemedies
> Sent: 18 March 2004 14:37

> I received some C++ source for a *nix box which includes 
> references to Mosaic libraries in the Makefile. 
> I was thinking of compiling the source under CYGWIN. Not 
> finding any Mosaic-like directories in my installation, I 
> looked through CYGWIN's installation panel to find Mosaic 
> references. It is obvious to me that it's not there, however, 
> I was thinking that maybe it's enclosed with some other libraries. 
> Have I gone to the well once too often?

  At a guess, it's not a system library but some 3rd party application.
What happened when you did a google search for it?  Handy hint: if "mosaic
library" doesn't narrow it down enough for you, try searching on
"libmosaic";  that should tell you all you need to know to find out who it's
made by and where you can get a copy.

  Of course, the ideal thing would have been to ask whoever you got the
sources from in the first place.  Since mosaic isn't part of cygwin, it's
pretty random of you to hope to get an answer about it on the cygwin

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