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RE: cvs problem under cygwin, cvs documentation

> From: luke.kendall@<unencoded email-address removed>

 You'd better take heed, the spammers will get to you real soon.
To protect against it; do not expose email addresses within messages sent
to such a forum as this one.

> I'd only expect that if Cygwin was installed with the "Use Unix line
> endings" option.  We always turn that off, since it makes working on
> files with both Cygwin utilities *and* Windows ones too painful.

 This really comes down to some self discipline; use 'u2d' and 'd2u'
at apropriate times.

Many files to handle? YUK (MS strikes again).
You're forced to use find -exec and/or xargs on u2d/d2u - unless you
can think out a scheme how to handle the conversion automagically
(text mode mounts for Window's file access? - I got lazy here).

/Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE - 59+16.37'N, 17+12.60'E

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