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Re: Trying to Make GNU's inetutils and get error.h: No such file or directory

On Mar 16 09:31, Scott Chapman wrote:
> When I run configure it finishes fine. Then I type 'make' and it soon 
> comes back with 'xmalloc.c:37:19: error.h: No such file or directory' 
> and dies.
> I can't find what package to install to get error.h.  I understand that 
> others have compiled inetutils (I'm using 1.4.2) under cygwin.  I just 
> updated cygwin to the current version with setup.exe so I think I'm 
> current!
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Just use the inetutils provided in the Cygwin net distro.  It's 
developed from version 1.3.2 with a bunch of pretty intrusive changes.
You won't have much luck running vanilla 1.4.2 servers. 

Btw., error.h is a glibc thingy.  It's not backed by the standards. 
I'm wondering how current inetutils can just use it without checking
for it's existance in configure, anyway.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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