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Cygwin problems with Hyperthreaded machines?

I've been running into some severe problems with using Cygwin on 
Hyperthreaded machines.

The problem mostly occurs when capturing the stdout from a program with 
the backquote operator,
or using the shell command in makefiles.   The captured values end up as 
blank sometimes.

For example, in my Makefile, 

       source-dir          := $(strip $(shell pwd))

pwd always returns something, but source-dir sometimes gets set to an 
empty string.

This never happens on single-CPU non-hyperthreaded machines.

I've also seen occasional hangs during a make, again only on hyperthreaded 

I've tried the latest cygwin dll from, as well as the snapshot 
from 3/12, and I still get this problem.

Anyone else out there seeing this?   Is this a known problem?  Is there 
some version of the cygwin dll that doesn't have this problem?

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