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Re: Re: re: windows authentication for cygwin sshd

Oops, I didn't think the first message got sent, so I sent another with some more information.

I did try running the command as a domain user, but I got the "Access Denied" error. Does this imply that I need to be something other than just a plain old user to execute the command? Something more than a plain old user but not necessarily a domain admin?

thanks for your help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Hall <>
To: "Calvin Smith" <>,
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 15:00:37 -0500
Subject: Re: re: windows authentication for cygwin sshd

If the user you're trying to access the domain with is not a valid domain
user, then you will have problems like this.  You don't need to be the
domain administrator to run 'mkpasswd' with '-d' but you will need to
run it as a user that's a member of the domain.


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