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Re: latest snapshot seems better wrt make -j hang problems

On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 10:33:33PM -0500, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>I have been running the "make -j" cygwin breaker for about ten hours now
>>with no hangs, no segvs, and no strange error exits.
>Me too :-D  it runs without error for 10h with 3300 iterations now.

I've been running for more than 24 hours now with no problems.  But,
this isn't the first time I could claim that so it may not prove

>>I'm sure this is just because of the magical way in which I have my
>>system set up but could anyone confirm or deny whether that this
>>snapshot behaves better?
>It is definitely better than all snapshots since 1.5.7, thanks!

I think I'll just package this up and ship it, then.  It's certainly
an improvement even if it isn't perfect.

Thanks for the feedback.


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