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Re: Missing /include/sys/stropts.h?

On Mar 12 08:07, Shawn Legrand wrote:
> I am trying to compile SWI-Prolog under CygWin and am receiving a
> message that stropts.h is missing from /include/sys. I checked and
> there is no such file there or in any directory off of root or in the
> CVS source tree. I placed a bug report with SWI-Prolog and received the
> following response:
> ""
> Hmm.  This is part of the code to attach an xterm window to
> a background thread for the multi-threaded version, which is
> supposed to work if grantpt() exists (indicating there is
> support for pseudo terminals) and multi-threading support.
> [rest of bug response removed...]
> ""
> I can see from the configure script that grantpt() exists...

You *are* aware that SWI-Prolog is part of the Cygwin net distro,
aren't you?  In the net distro, src/pl-xterm.c is patched (two
`#ifndef __CYGWIN__''s.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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