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Re: zsh 4.1.1-3 on W2000 hangs with command not found

* Peter A. Castro (2004-03-13 03:03 +0100)
> On Fri, 12 Mar 2004, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>> * Peter A. Castro (2004-03-08 20:39 +0100)
>>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>>> Also, for the record, I've just tried the latest snapshot, 20040306, and
>>> running missing commands do not hang or have any other strange behaviour
>>> as your describe:

> I think a better search mechanism might be to see what your system PATH
> it set to, in the control panel, and do a Windows Find for cygwin1.dll
> and see there is more than one in the PATH.

Either locate and "Windows Find" (which is not reliable - I used
"Agent Ransack") show just one cygwin1.dll". The only thing
interesting about the path is that "C:\cygwin\bin" shows twice in the
output of "cygcheck -s -v -r" but only once in my environment (it's
set as a Windows environment variable and in the zsh startup file).
"." is in my path but I don't have it in my .zshrc.
> At this point, I think you need to go through the problem reporting
> process as outlined in
> Specifically, your cygcheck output.  Additionally, I'd like you to run
> 'uname -a', 'setopt', 'env' and 'set' from within zsh with both "correct"
> and "correctall" off.
> Send all of that to the list, as attachments, and I'll analyse them.

I did that and now attach the uncensored director's cut. Bonne chance,
Monsieur Maintainér!


Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Attached file: cygcheck.out

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