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Re: zsh 4.1.1-3 on W2000 hangs with command not found
* Peter A. Castro (2004-03-08 20:39 +0100)
> On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> Also, for the record, I've just tried the latest snapshot, 20040306, and
> running missing commands do not hang or have any other strange behaviour
> as your describe:
> (doctor@garfunkel)[101] ~ % les
> zsh: correct 'les' to 'ls' [nyae]? n
> zsh: command not found: les
> zsh: 1240 exit 127 les
> (doctor@garfunkel)[102] ~ % /bin/les
> zsh: no such file or directory: /bin/les
> zsh: 1245 exit 127 /bin/les
> (doctor@garfunkel)[103] ~ % uname -a
> CYGWIN_NT-4.0 garfunkel 1.5.8s(0.111/4/2) 20040306 23:59:38 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin
> (doctor@garfunkel)[104] ~ % cygcheck -s | grep zsh
> zsh 4.1.1-3
> (doctor@garfunkel)[105] ~ % setopt | grep correct
> correct
> correctall
> (doctor@garfunkel)[106] ~ %
>> This is just a tiny problems for me. There was a real problem with zsh
>> where *completion* took a long time (it tried to do DNS lookup -
>> according to my Personal Firewall - and timed out when I wasn't online
>> and no DNS was available). This is gone. The other "problem" is no
>> problem for me because I use the completion and therefor the "correct"
>> mechanism is /very rarely/ triggered. After that zsh caches the answer
>> and replies immdiately "zsh: no such file or directory". (If I'm so
>> dumb to try it again.)
> My example above has both correct and correctall on and I don't
> experience any problems no matter how many times I try to run a bad
> command. This goes for weither zsh tries to correct the command or not.
>> But please be aware that there may be different problems. The one I
>> described is with the "correct function" of zsh (and I figured that
>> out just today). Davide Marchignoli's problem seems to be different:
>> % aoidfjkl # immediately: "zsh: command not found: aoidfjklj"
>> % /bin/aoidfjklj # hangs for about ten seconds until "zsh: no such file or directory: /bin/aoidfjklj"
> Sorry, mine returnes immediately, no delay at all. And this is on an old
> 400MHz PII running under a vmware emulator. Oh, and I tried this same
> setup, with the latest snapshot on a 1.7Ghz system running MS Windows
> native without any problems either. I also tried both of these on
> network mounted drives and didn't have any delays or problems.
> I feel you should examine your environment thoroughly. Perhaps you have
> more than one copy of cygwin1.dll in your PATH? When you last upgraded,
> are you sure you existing all cygwin based processes before starting a
> new shell window?
I did that. My .zshrc is *exactly* the same on this host and on my
Gentoo Linux where everything is fine.
I tried to narrow the problem by deleting
* /etc/zprofile
* /etc/profile.d/zshell.zsh
* ~/.zshenv
* ~/.zprofile
* ~/.zlogout
* ~/.zlogin
and everything in .zshrc except "setopt correct correctall". It's
those two options that make zsh hang. I even unset all environment
variables inherited from Windows. No change.
If you have any hint how to find the problem I'd be glad to assist
(strace). By the way - I freshly installed Cygwin on this box and the
Windows installation (Windows XP SP1) is two months old. I deactived
my PF (Kerio - newest version) and even detached from my NetWare. Even
the Novell Client is the latest one. And locate shows only one
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