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Re: _fnctl64 cannot be found

At 04:59 PM 3/11/2004, you wrote:


>LOL.  Larry, we have got to stop doing this[*].  You take the even days,
>and I'll take the odd ones, ok? ;-)

OK, but I sometimes take weekends off. :-)

>    Igor
>[*] The above replies are essentially the same, and posted withing a
>minute of each other.  And this isn't the first time, either.

Yeah, I've noticed you're a bit too quick to beat! :-)  I have tried 
waiting a few minutes (or more) before composing and sending for some
messages but with all the Internet viruses slowing things down, that
just means that sometimes I don't see your response even though you've
sent one promptly.  I have taken to checking the email archives when 
I suspect things are moving slowly (at least on my end) for some reason
but it doesn't always help.  Maybe we should institute a policy on the
Cygwin list that no inquiry can be answered quicker than 2 hours after 
it's posted.  That should put us on par with support for commercial
software products.  Hm, I wonder if people would be inclined to pay for
such Cygwin support then? ;-)

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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