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1.5.7-1 rollback to gcc 3.2


I have recently installed Cygwin and am attempting to rollback from gcc
3.3.1 to 3.2.x.  A friend of mine was able to do this a few days before I
tried it.  However, I only see gcc 3.3.1 when running setup.exe by
either using the "Prev" button or by clicking on the version.  Is 3.2.x no
longer being offered?

After reading the mail archive, I found a relevant discussion about
rolling back to gcc 2.95.  I followed the advice given there and searched
on google for the appropriate gcc-3.2xxx.tar.bz2 file.  Unfortunately, all
of the sites I found actually directed me to 3.3.1.

I am rolling back to cygwin 1.5.5-1 and gcc 3.2.x to avoid the problems
with emacs and ROOT.  I know there is a patch of some sort (a snapshot
posted by Axel), but I would like to avoid this option if possible.


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