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Re: Creating DLL's for use with MSVC

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 14:21:41 +0100, Niklas Wallin wrote in

Hi Niklas,
>Thanks for your answer Alejandro, I still can't get it right though.

You are welcome, but this has truly veered into the realms of the

So in order to pull it back on track, let's do a 'Gendankexperiment'
and suppose neither you or I ever mentioned the flag "-mno-cygwin".
Let's suppose instead that you managed to compile Tendra++ and want to
use Cygwin's GNU g++ to create a DLL with an import library that could
be used by the other compiler.

>Ok, the .def file then looks like this:
>     _ZN7MyClass8getValueEv @1
>     _ZN7MyClass8setValueEi @2
>     _ZN7MyClassC1Ev @3
>     _ZN7MyClassC2Ev @4
>     _ZN7MyClassD1Ev @5
>     _ZN7MyClassD2Ev @6

As CGF pointed out earlier, g++ and your other compiler decorate
functions differently, but you could create an exports aliasing table
in the DLL:

LIBRARY mylibrary
DESCRIPTION "Blah, blah."
	getValueEv = _ZN7MyClass8getValueEv @1
	Ev2        = _ZN7MyClassD2Ev @6

This is GNU binutils' equivalent to private function declarations in
that other win32 compiler.

Now, I can't say this will work for you, but it works for a couple of
things I use everyday...

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