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Malloc hang

I am executing a program this parses xml files using libxml2. It only
hangs with one of my xml files works fine with others..  I have used gdb
to find the specific library call to malloc that is hanging.  

It is hard for me to debug the problem any more because after this
malloc call is mad the program hangs and doesn't return to the next line
of code or print anymore debugging information.
I have tried changing cygwin max memory to see if I have run out of
memory but this does not help.
Although I am not sure if this will help I have tried to make cygwin
files with debugging enabled but get errors in the compile process.

I know this is not enough info to give me an answer but if you could
please point me in the right direction.
If you think that compiling cygwin with debugging will help...can you
get binaries with debugging enabled already since I am having problems

OS: Win2k SP3
Cygwin: 1.5.7


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