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Re: please try the latest snapshot

Volker Quetschke wrote:

Christopher Faylor wrote:

The latest snapshot should fix "virtual memory exhausted" errors that
were reported when running "make -j".

I am close to releasing cygwin 1.5.8 so I want to verify that this is

OK, did that, and got a freeze after 196 iterations. Still using your make with debug info.

This time my script enabled the malloc debug info

strace -mall+malloc -o strace.out make -j -f MakefileV > $logname 2>> $logerr

so the strace is very long, you can find it here:


Unfortunately I pressed CTRL-c before looking at the running
processes, I cannot say where it was hanging.


I've run it twice so far, 128 iterations, then about 2500, running it a third time now. In both cases, it was make hanging with 0% cpu usage, and I lost the strace from the second run (I tried using "/bin/kill -f pid", and the return code from the make process was 0, so the script kept going).


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