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rebaseall with extra files


I have recently made a new install of cygwin and found out that my old Perl/Tk application did not work as usual. I googled a bit and found out this was due to the "Cygwin rebase problem" and consequently I run

rebaseall -v

This did not solve the problem as I saw that it did not touch the dll:s I made from my manual Perl/Tk installation that is found under


and its sub-directories. So, I made my own rebaseing by,

rebase -v -b 0x70000000 `find /cygdrive/c/cygwin/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.2/cygwin-thread-multi-64int/auto/Tk -name "*.dll" `

and found out that I could now run my application as before. However, afterwards seeing that it is not recommended for us not so experienced users to twiddle around with rebase on its own, I am now a little bit afraid that I may have caused problems with the dll:s that I will run into later and at that time maybe have forgot about this .dll-manipulation.

Is there anyone that can recommend me how to "rebaseall", but also incorporate the Tk-files above to avoid coming conflicts?

Best Regards,

Caj Zell

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