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Re: zsh 4.1.1-3 on W2000 hangs with command not found

On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 01:55:31PM +0100, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>* Davide Marchignoli (2004-03-08 11:38 +0100)
>>Zsh hangs when running a non-existent command.  It usually hangs as
>>soon as you give a non existing command, however sometimes it works
>>correctly two or three times and then hangs.
>What do you mean by "non-existant" command?
>>I am running zsh also on Win XP and there it behaves correctly.
>Some people were already describing similar things (including me).

Yes.  This problem was reported within 48 hours after 1.5.7 was released.
It was reported as a problem which existed in 1.5.6, for which the reporter
was waiting for a fix to appear even though the problem was not reported.

The problem was fixed within a few hours after being reported and has been
fixed in snapshots ever since.

So, download a snapshot or wait for 1.5.8.  1.5.8 is due to be released in


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