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Patch for problems with profile script in Win9x

It seems that the default profile script checks what shell the user is
running and sets appropriate defaults based on the shell.  Unfortunately, on
all Win9x installs that I've done recently, I've noticed that the profile
isn't correctly identifying that bash is my shell (which it indeed is).  The
problem seems to be that $0 is set to 'BASH', whereas the script is testing
for 'bash'.  The following changes to /etc/profile fix things up for me.

I know that /etc/profile comes from the base-files package, but I don't know
where the source is located for that package...perhaps someone more
knowledgeable than I can submit this patch to the appropriate place?



--- /etc/profile.orig 2004-03-07 10:03:26.000000000 -0500
+++ /etc/profile 2004-03-07 10:24:12.000000000 -0500
@@ -78,7 +78,11 @@
 # export CVSROOT

 # Shell dependent settings
-case "$0" in
+echo $0 > $SHELLNAME_TMP1
+tr [:upper:] [:lower:] < $SHELLNAME_TMP1 > $SHELLNAME_TMP2
+case `cat $SHELLNAME_TMP2` in
 bash     | -bash     | */bash | \
 bash.exe | -bash.exe | */bash.exe )
  # Set a HOSTNAME variable
@@ -122,6 +126,8 @@
  PS1='$ '

 export PS1

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