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Re: Can ipc-daemon2 put its files in directory other than /tmp?

On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 01:18:17AM +0700, David Garamond wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>>Actually, hopefully, you are bunding postgresql + cygwin + whatever other
>>>>binaries + *the sources to same* since this is a GPLed project, meaning
>>>>that you have to provide sources for the binaries that you distribute
>>>>as per the GPL.
>>>No source code is modified/recompiled. I'm just providing a convenience 
>>>packaging. COPYING + the BSD license (for Postgres) is included, plus 
>>>I'm informing in the README that Cygwin is GPL'ed, and to get the source 
>>>one should go to I believe that is sufficient? 
>>>(since no source code is modified anyway).
>>Unfortunately, no, it's not sufficient.  The GPL doesn't have a "no
>>source code is modified" clause.  For the cygwin DLL, and any of the
>>utilities that come with it, you have to adhere to the GPL which
>>means that the source code has to be provided.
>I see. I'll provide the source code on my own website then, link to the 
>URL and not, but does not include it in the .zip 
>distribution, to keep the .zip smaller. That should cover the "from the 
>same place" requirement.

Yep.  As long as it's from the same place, that's ok.  You could even
suggest that the best place to get the current source code is .

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