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RE: A bit of history

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Hannu E K Nevalainen

> FWIW, related to history:
> There is ("was" in the sense that it has been very stale for 
> quite some
> time)
>  a sister project to cygwin here:

  That was the project to port the gnu environment to the old Amiga series
of computers.  The site seems to be down right now but there's still plenty
of it in google's cache.
> I'm not aware of how this was related to cygwin, timewise - 
> or otherwise.

  Kind of similar in spirit, although it only attempted to provide the tools
and other software; it wasn't an attempt to implement a full posix layer
like cygwin is.  AFAIK there was no formal relation between the two
projects, but they're obviously both motivated by similar goals and employed
similar means; GG also had a system of packages and maintainers.

> I know that the founder of this project was employed(?) at 
> cygnus solutions sometime.

  Indeed, that'll be the famous Fred Fish; he also produced the most
significant library of sharware disks for the Amiga for many years.

> Somewhere around '98 the project was very active. The 
> following is a listing of a CD distribution from about then;

  Heh.  My copy is from 04/97.  It says "Geek Gadgets Version 2" on the
cover and also still calls itself "Amiga Developers Environment".

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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