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Re: PK Authentication

At 09:56 PM 3/5/2004, you wrote:
>I just installed the latest cygwin on my 2000 pro server and configured
>sshd. I created dsa public keys with no passphrase on cygwin and my remote
>linux webserver. I exchanged public keys on the machines. The cygwin ssh can
>login to the webserver without a pass, but the webserver cannot login to the
>cygwin without one. I'm prompted for password no matter what I try.
>I've scoured the mailing list and google and tried the following suggestions
>in the thread:
>1) Add the 3 rights to the user account: Login as service, Create token
>object, Replace a process level token

You shouldn't need to do this for W2K Server.  Just run sshd as a service.
It will run as SYSTEM, which is fine.

>2) Checked and re-checked the files and permissions in the .ssh dirs on both


>3) Changed the CYGWIN environment variable to nontsec.

Not sure why you'd want to do that.

>I'm really stumped... But I need to allow the linux webserver to push files
>to the windows box via scp.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There's actually been *tons* of discussion of this topic in the email
archives, though navigating through it all can be somewhat difficult.
Still, if you'd like to get all the details of problems people have 
run into and the solutions, you'll want to do more looking there.  Otherwise,
you want to start with <>.  Also, you should
check all the "typical" ssh configuration things (/etc/sshd_config file 
settings, etc).  If that doesn't help, run sshd in debug mode and look at
the output of sshd.log.  This should tell you what the server thinks is
wrong.  Make sure you followed the installation instructions in 
/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README.  Instructions and/or scripts from 
other sites aren't supported by this list.  If you need more help from the 
list on this subject, please provide all the information asked for by 
<> along with logs, configuration settings,
and permission settings of all relevant directories.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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