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Re: read(): varblk tape records...(& Fix for : read())

Hi Corinna,

It turns out that your new fix (for read();) might (I'm not sure until the nightly builds are working again) prevent the bug from happening with var-blk records - but I think the 'bug' will still cause problems with fixed-block records and maybe other filetypes. The issue I'm having is: raw_read() is setting devbufstart & devbufend, and raw_write() checks devbufend for buffering (which isn't required with var-block records or properly written fixed-block records in any case.)

My own feeling on this is, when reading tape-block data (fixed or variable blocks) and the blocks are not being buffered in calls (ie. my test-harness uses correctly sized buffers) then raw_read() shouldn't leave devbufstart or devbufend non-zero.

Hope this helps more,

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