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Re: /etc/procmailrc vs ~/.procmailrc

* Peter Wisnovsky <> [2004-03-04 17:38]:
< snip>
> Home is where the heart is:
>     % mount | grep /home
>     c:\Documents and Settings on /home type system (textmode)
                  ^   ^        
Perhaps it is the spaces....
> Curiously, if I mv .procmailrc to /etc/procmailrc it seems to work ok.
>     reading message x@y.c:32 of 32 (1684 octets) . not flushed
> /etc is also mounted textmode. /home/psw is my homedir in both the
> /etc/passwd and HOME variable.
> I don't mind that much having the procmailrc in /etc/ but it seems confusing
> to me. I've had other problems with files not being readable (.Xresources
> and mail spools with movemail) and am trying to understand this better.

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