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THANK YOU for considering BECHTEL

THANK YOU for considering BECHTEL<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


We are in receipt of your recent employment inquiry. Resumes are scanned
into our company wide database in Glendale, Arizona. This central database
is accessible by our various regional offices, providing broad visibility to
your background and qualifications. If we are able to match your experience,
skills, and interests with a current staffing need, we will contact you. If
no immediate opportunity is identified, your resume will remain active and
available for review against new requirements as they arise for a period of
12 months.


Should you need further information, please contact us by mail as we are
unable to handle telephone inquiries.


Thanks again for your interest in Bechtel and the opportunity to consider
you for employment.


Bechtel Staffing

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