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Re: Following on old threads

> > FYI, the number in the archives is not necessarily the same as the
> > number that you'd use to retrieve via email.
> >
> > The software that we run on aka is "ezmlm".
> > If there are more advanced questions on using ezmlm, then a web search
> > would unearth some documentation.
> >
> > cgf
> If you mean that the message number in the archives (e.g., 00229 from
> <>) is not the one you
> use, then yes, that's absolutely true.
> If, however, the number in the Return-Path header of a Cygwin list message
> is not the number that you'd use to retrieve that message, then I've
> completely misunderstood what ezmlm documentation I've read.  I know that
> with sublists present, the sequence numbers may be different, but, IIUC,
> the Cygwin lists don't utilize the sublist mechanism.  Also, some systems
> may strip out the Return-Path header, but if it's present, it should
> provide the right message number, right?

I could retrieve ANY message I wanted with that number, my problem was
that it looked like I started a new thread for a 6 months old when I
wanted to follow up on it (Seems like that's not trully possible once the
message is from a different month).

To me Igor is right as what he  suggested worked with any message I wanted
to get.


P.S. I'll stop here.

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