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Re: fetchmail password from cygrunsrv

On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Peter Wisnovsky wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a way to run fetchmail
> from a cygrunsrv service without putting your mail account password in your
> .fetchmailrc. Based on some info in the mailing list I tried
> cygrunsrv --install fetchmail --path /usr/bin/fetchmail --args "--daemon 300 --nodetach" --env HOME=/home/user --termsig TERM --user 'domain\user' --shutdown
> When I run fetchmail -d 300 from the command line it interactively asks for
> the password, so I don't need to keep it in the file; however if I log out
> then the daemon stops running. I thought about having the service start
> manually in interactive mode but that seems to require that the service be
> run as the local system account, not as me. Any suggestions for starting
> this without requiring that I put the password in the args (which ends up as
> plaintext in the registry) or in my .fetchmailrc?
> Thanks,
> Peter


Look carefully at the cygrunsrv help output, in particular, the
--interactive and --type options.  I think the combination of those with
the --user option might get you what you want.  It might be harder to get
rid of the command window once fetchmail gets the password, though...
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     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'		Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL	a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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