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fetchmail password from cygrunsrv

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a way to run fetchmail
from a cygrunsrv service without putting your mail account password in your
.fetchmailrc. Based on some info in the mailing list I tried

cygrunsrv --install fetchmail --path /usr/bin/fetchmail --args "--daemon
300 --nodetach" --env HOME=/home/user --termsig TERM --user
'domain\user' --shutdown

When I run fetchmail -d 300 from the command line it interactively asks for
the password, so I don't need to keep it in the file; however if I log out
then the daemon stops running. I thought about having the service start
manually in interactive mode but that seems to require that the service be
run as the local system account, not as me. Any suggestions for starting
this without requiring that I put the password in the args (which ends up as
plaintext in the registry) or in my .fetchmailrc?



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