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Re: 256 colors for bash/rxvt-2.7.10-4 ?

On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 11:35:27AM +0100, Mikka wrote:
> Hi list,
> according to rumors, the current build of the rxvt package enables 256
> colour support, at least I was able to do some sort of
> ,-----[ .Xdefaults extract ]-----
> | Rxvt*cursorColor: GreenYellow
> | Rxvt*color1:      OrangeRed
> `-------------------
> settings in my .Xdefaults file.
> Now, I can't figure out how to use those predefined colorX values for my
> prompt settings, PS1, PS2, ... etc.

I've played a little bit while searching the answer to your question and
came to the following result:

Set the following values in .Xdefaults.

$ cat .Xdefaults
Rxvt*color0:    #000000
Rxvt*color1:    #A80000
Rxvt*color2:    #00A800
Rxvt*color3:    #A8A800
Rxvt*color4:    #0000A8
Rxvt*color5:    #A800A8
Rxvt*color6:    #00A8A8
Rxvt*color7:    #A8A8A8

Rxvt*color8:    #000054
Rxvt*color9:    #FF0054
Rxvt*color10:   #00FF54
Rxvt*color11:   #FFFF54
Rxvt*color12:   #0000FF
Rxvt*color13:   #FF00FF
Rxvt*color14:   #00FFFF
Rxvt*color15:   #FFFFFF

Now we have defined 16 Colours out of 256. These 16 colours can now be
used in rxvt refering to them by name(colorX) or number.

I would gladly see how to use more than 16 colours in rxvt.
Gruss Olaf Föllinger

Olaf Föllinger
S.E.S.A. Software und Systeme AG

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