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Re: Snapshot 20040225: make hangs/errors out

Do you actually have an strace which demonstrates the problem?  I
don't any indication that you've duplicated this problem running
strace with a "modern" snapshot.

No, but I'll try to catch one. (I removed the strace from my script.)

Ok, caught two already. (Produced with attached script + Makefile)

Not much to there, unfortunately.

Out of curiousity, can you duplicate this problem with the snapshot?  I see
that this is your own build, probably built with --enable-debugging.
I just stopped the scrip and replaced my selfbuild cygwin1.dll ( with
debugging ) with the 20040225 snapshot.

I've been diligently testing things with the snapshot rather than my own
build because I was trying to debug what was in the subject.  Snapshots
aren't built with --enable-debugging.  If this is just an artifact from
building with --enable-debugging, then I'm not too worried.
We'll see. Actually I got a lot of make errors in my run since
yesterday. The use of strace seemed to increase the "error rate".

I got 18 make errors + strace file since yesterday, but that
was the selfbuild dll with debugging.


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