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Re: Snapshot 20040225: make hangs/errors out

On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

> Brian,
> It must be late in the day -- $((a+b)) is bash syntax, not ash...  You
> need to change your script to have '#!/bin/bash' or use `expr a + b`.
> 	Igor
Thanks Igor.  I knew it had to be something stupid.

FWIW, I first tried the script verbatum from the original bug report.  It
had no #! line, and I thought that might be a problem.  I went through
several iterations of no #!, #!/bin/sh, #!/bin/bash, and even `expr $C +
1`, so I knew about that issue.  It must be too late in the day for me, as
this stuff always happens to me around quiting time :).

I'm still seeing "weirdness", but I'll have to poke around a lot more to
accurately define it.

Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
Phone: 314-551-8460
Fax:   314-551-8444

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