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Re: XDMCP connection doesn't work

Giuseppe DELL'ERBA wrote:


I have installed Cygwin/X on my desktop (WIN XP Professional) and I have tried to connect via XDMCP to a Linux AS 2.1 machine typing the command:

Xwin.exe :0 -query remote_ip_address

the result was a grey screen and I didn't receive the login window.

Looking at the FAQ document I have followed the suggestion modifying the /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc file enabling Xdmcp:



but I didn't get a different result.

Have you any additional suggestion in order to make the XDMCP conenction working?

Thanks in advance


Giuseppe Dell'Erba
STIP Platform Management & Architecture

You'd have much better success with the Cygwin XFree mailing list. I've cross posted there.

As for your problem, did you restart kdm? Anything in your log file? Did you try using -from?

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