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Re: what's the software for making slide under cygwin, please?

PLEASE, configure your email client not to show email addresses in reply!!! (or if you can't take this off list)

I work with xemacs (under cygwin) and yap (I can give you nice pointers on how to configure them so that you can get real WYSIWYG). I don't like Lyx, LaTeX is so nice and intuitive that IMHO you don't need something like that to stand in the way (I don't think LyX would even work with slides but maybe latest versions are different from what I know LyX to be).

Look, I try to set up a group for help, discussion, etc. about (La)Tex under cygwin and Windows. If you join in you will automatically get all those pointers on how to set this up. The group is found at (you need to have or create a Yahoo account to join)

IMO no commercial package can come even nearer to what you can get with cygwin and miktex and all the other packages I mention in the document you can get when you join.


You wrote on 3/1/2004 11:27 PM:

Dear Greg,

Thanks for the reply. What I really want is something to make presentation
slides in seminar, something like Lyx, which is the drive for me to install

Any ideas?

Best regards,
Michael Chen

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