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RE: Man not finding pages

> You. Man. Are. Genius.

Thanks, but you embarrass me.  I just get lucky occasionally.  I'm not an
expert at man and I know next to nothing about zsh, but based on some
personal observations, I think I can answer some of your questions about man
and manpath.

> Recently I posted but
> found no answer or solution. Suddenly completion started to work again
> but on the next day not even calling a single man page was found by
> man because of the wrong $MANPATH.
> Now I corrected 'export MANPATH="${X11MANPATH}"' to 'export
> MANPATH=":${X11MANPATH}"' in and now everything is
> okay.
> Thanks, Thorsten
> ,--- * MANPATH statements in /etc/man.conf
> | MANPATH /usr/share/man
> | MANPATH /usr/X11R6/man
> | MANPATH /usr/local/man
> | MANPATH /usr/man
> `---
> ,--- * Cygwin host (where it "doesn't work")
> | % echo $MANPATH
> | :/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/ssl/man
> | ^ see the empty path? ($manpath is "'' /usr/X11R6/man /usr/ssl/man")
> | % manpath
> | /usr/share/man:/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/ssl/man:/usr/man:/usr/local/man
> `---
> ,--- * Linux host (where it "works")
> | % echo $MANPATH
> |
> | X11R6/man::/opt/sun-jdk-
> | % manpath
> | zsh: command not found: manpath
> `---
> /etc/zprofile and /etc/profile.d/zshell.zsh don't contain man
> settings. When I manually do "export MANPATH=/usr/share/man" then zsh
> does the man completion.
> My questions are (I know they might not be specifically Cygwin
> related):
> 1. Where and how is $MANPATH assembled?

It's a combination of things.  In my case, I run the pdksh shell.  MANPATH
is set in /etc/profile and further modified by .sh scripts in
/etc/profile.d.  It looks to me like zsh runs the same scripts as part of

> 2. Where does the path that the "manpath" command shows come from?

I'm not positive about this, but I believe manpath takes $MANPATH and,
assuming $MANPATH has an empty path in it, adds any paths specified in the
man.conf file, but eliminates any paths which do not actually have man

> 3. Why does $MANPATH and "manpath" output differ?

I think manpath eliminates any paths which do not actually contain man pages
(see previous answer) and adds paths from man.conf.

> 4. Why is /usr/share/man not in $MANPATH?

Because there is an empty path in $MANPATH, it is picked up from the
man.conf file.

> 5. Why is the first entry in $MANPATH empty?

>From my tests, an empty path, whether at the end or beginning or somewhere
in between (::) is what tells man to include the paths from man.conf.  If
there is not an empty path, man and manpath use only what is in $MANPATH

> 6. How and where can I fix this?

Hopefully, this is done.  HTH

> Thanks to all that can help,
> Thorsten

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