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Re: cron problem report

* Seiji Tokunaga (2004-03-01 21:27 +0100)
> I have trouble getting my cron to work.

Please consider explaining what you mean by this otherwise any answer
to your report won't satisfy you.

> % crontab -l
> # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
> # (/tmp/crontab.3928 installed on Mon Mar  1 15:03:19 2004)
> # (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 1.7 2003/04/15 15:13:41 corinna Exp $)
> * * * * * `date` >> ${HOME}/foo.log

This "script" (`date` >> ${HOME}/foo.log) doesn't even work in a plain
shell so for sure not in cron. Read /var/cron/log, the system and
application entries in the eventviewer and the mail that cron probably
sent you in ~/dead.letter.

Hint: use executables with full path in crontab or set PATH in
crontab. Don't take for granted that the normal environment variables
are set ($HOME) and consider reading the man page of crontab.


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