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Re: [OT] List archive configuration

On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 12:23:34PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>I'm aware that this may be quite a bit off-topic, but I'm trying to
>reproduce the archiving setup of the Cygwin mailing lists on another list,
>and I was wondering if the exact archiving procedure and the relevant
>MHonArc config files are accessible somewhere, or if some particular
>standard procedure is used...  I'm not looking for hand-holding on setting
>up MHonArc or whatever other software is used, just information on what's
>used and possibly access to config files.  Any pointers would be
>appreciated.  Since this may be off-topic, please feel free to send
>private mail.  Thanks.

I don't know much about this but I believe most, if not all of the scripts
are in /sourceware/infra/ml-archiving.  You should be able to access this
directory via anonymous cvs.


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