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DDD 3.3.8 segmentation error, related to Motif?

I gat a more recent version now, and I recompiled ddd.
Earlier problem solved, new problem pops up:

The executable ends with:
Warning: This DDD requires a Motif 2.1 library (using Motif -1617156.-609)
Continue at own risk.

Internal error (Segmentation fault).

lesstif                        0.93.91-4          OK
XFree86-base            4.3.0-1            OK
XFree86-bin             4.3.0-8            OK
XFree86-bin-icons       4.3.0-5            OK
XFree86-doc             4.3.0-1            OK
XFree86-etc             4.3.0-6            OK
XFree86-f100            4.2.0-3            OK
XFree86-fcyr            4.2.0-3            OK
XFree86-fenc            4.2.0-3            OK
XFree86-fnts            4.2.0-3            OK
XFree86-fscl            4.2.0-3            OK
XFree86-fsrv            4.3.0-7            OK
XFree86-html            4.3.0-1            OK
XFree86-jdoc            4.3.0-1            OK
XFree86-lib             4.3.0-1            OK
XFree86-lib-compat      4.3.0-2            OK
XFree86-man             4.3.0-2            OK
XFree86-nest            4.3.0-5            OK
XFree86-prog            4.3.0-12           OK
XFree86-prt             4.3.0-5            OK
XFree86-ps              4.3.0-1            OK
XFree86-startup-scripts 4.2.0-5            OK
XFree86-vfb             4.3.0-5            OK
XFree86-xserv           4.3.0-23           OK
XFree86-xwinclip        4.3.0-2            OK

Note: Not all mirror sites provided by the setup.exe tool
         are providing the latest packages.

bt08pm: /w/ cygcheck ddd Found: D:\Cygwin\usr\local\bin\ddd.exe D:/Cygwin/usr/local/bin/ddd.exe D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygXm-2.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygX11-6.dll D:\Cygwin\bin\cygcygipc-2.dll D:\Cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll C:\WINNT\System32\KERNEL32.dll C:\WINNT\System32\ntdll.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygXft-2.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygXext-6.dll D:\Cygwin\bin\cygfontconfig-1.dll D:\Cygwin\bin\cygexpat-0.dll D:\Cygwin\bin\cygfreetype-6.dll D:\Cygwin\bin\cygz.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygXp-6.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygXrender-1.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygXt-6.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygICE-6.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygSM-6.dll D:\Cygwin\bin\cygncurses7.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygXaw-7.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygXmu-6.dll D:\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygXpm-4.dll

Brian d wrote:

On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 wrote:

Ihe same problem with  ddd 3.3.8 and GCC 3.3.1.
I was able to compile ddd with GCC 3.2.3, but
when launching ddd I gat following problem:
(btw ddd --help works fine)

Warning: XmPrimitive ClassInitialize: XmeTraitSet failed
Error: attempt to add non-widget child "DropSiteManager" to parent "ddd"
which supports only widgets
Xt error (attempt to add non-widget child "DropSiteManager" to parent
"ddd" which supports only widgets).
DDD 3.3.8 (i686-pc-cygwin) gets `Segmentation fault' signal

This is an Xfree86 issue.  Redirecting to the proper list

The error above was caused by the transition to a shared libXt/lesstif.
Please make sure your Xfree86 packages and lesstif are up to date.

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