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Re: cvs complains of no repository

I looked further into this and think the problem is due to the fact
that the 1.10 version I was using was strictly Windows-based and so
whenever a CVS/Root file was created it had the <CR><LF> for the end of
line. Then when I used the cygwin version I had trouble.

The following patch fixed the problem I was having (feel free to make it

diff -w -urN cvs-1.11.6-3-orig/src/root.c cvs-1.11.6-3-plus/src/root.c
--- cvs-1.11.6-3-orig/src/root.c        2003-02-28 18:11:36.000000000
+++ cvs-1.11.6-3-plus/src/root.c        2003-11-13 10:20:32.746353600
@@ -660,6 +660,10 @@

     /* Hooray!  We finally parsed it! */
     free (cvsroot_save);
+    if ((p = strrchr (newroot->directory, '\r')) != NULL)
+       *p = '\0';
+    if ((p = strrchr (newroot->directory, '\n')) != NULL)
+       *p = '\0';
     return newroot;


Ken Shaffer

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