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Re: terms

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul-Kenji Cahier" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:38 AM
Subject: terms

> Hello all,
> I've been trying to make other terminals than rxvt work without the X
> server but without success yet... The problem of the rxvt that comes
> with cygwin is that as the original rxvt it doesnt support special
> charsets, and hence cant display correctly japanese characters, or
> chinese characters, or russian, etc. The alternative under linux would
> be to use either mlterm or rxvt-beta, mlterm being particularly useful
> as it allows multiple encoding in a same term.

I am using Simplified Chinese version of win2k and I put the following lines in my ~/.Xdefaults:
rxvt*font: fixedsys
rxvt*boldFont: fixedsys
rxvt*mfont: fixedsys
then the rxvt windows shipped with cygwin can display Chinese characters correctly (just as notepad.exe).

However, if I change the rxvt*multichar_encoding line to gb, it cannot display correct gb2312 characters.  It is confusing...


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