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Re: Debugging cygwin1.dll startup

On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 03:40, Parker, Ron wrote:
> I have made some local changes to the source for cygwin1.dll and would like
> to debug it, as the first Cygwin process, bash, begins.  I know about using
> a gdb-startup.cmd setup for JIT debugging applications, but this does not
> seem to work for debugging Cygwin prior to reaching a bash prompt.  Is the
> 'dll cygwin1' GDB mechanism the only way to do what I need?

Don't install the new cygwin1.dll if you've broken startup ;). So the
answer is, I think, yes.

What I usually do when fiddling cygwin1.dll startup stuff (like when I
was prodding gprof) is to have gdb have it's own copy of cygwin1.dll,
isolated. Then gdb runs fine and one can dig into the new process


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