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RE: Cygwin 1.5.5 Configuration problem

Sent: 23 September 2003 15:26 From: Igor Pechtchanski
> On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, Hughes, Bill wrote:
> > Why is it I always find the problem after I post?
> > There was no /etc/profile in my installation.
> > I copied one from another machine and my installation appears OK, except
> > the man problem.
> > I don't know if /etc/profile is mssing from the distribution or
> > happened to mine.
> Bill,
> Did you install the "base-files" package?  The postinstall script should
> have created an /etc/profile for you (by copying it from
> /etc/defaults/etc/profile).  If it failed, there should be a message in
> /var/log/setup.log.full (unless you ran setup after that, in which case
> that file will have been overwritten).
> 	Igor

It was a fresh installation so yes I had to install "base-files" (about the
only thing I didn't install was ghostscript).
I had to change mirrors while downloading to a local folder, but this was
separate - I rebooted and then installed from my local mirror.
I've just looked and I don't have a /etc/defaults folder.
I suppose this means a re-install?

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