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Re: ntsec: changing the everyone user

At 05:23 PM 9/22/2003, Chris Rodgers you wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 05:35:20PM +0100, Chris Rodgers wrote:
>> > OK. Here is an example of the way permissions leak out to "Everyone". I
>> > create a new file, with no permissions granted to "other". Cygwin shows
>> > to have worked OK. Yet in actual fact there is an ACL there giving
>> > some access rights. I usually choose not to have "Everyone" authorised
>to do
>> > anything on my Windows NT/2000 boxes, using Authorised Users instead.
>> > way, without a valid login, you cannot get any information, including
>> > usernames and ACLs.
>> >
>> > How can I stop cygwin setting these ACLs?
>> Did you have a close look to the access rights granted to everyone?
>> Otherwise, just don't use ntsec.
>> Corinna
>> > [...]
>> >                 Everyone:(special access:)
>> >                          READ_CONTROL
>> >                          FILE_READ_EA
>> >                          FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES
>For the archives (NOT for release :-)), I think that a quick hack is to
>redefine well_known_world_sid in src/winsup/cygwin/ to be
>"S-1-5-11" instead of "S-1-1-0". This refers to the "Authorized Users"
>well-known group, instead of to "Everyone".

Glad you found a resolution to this for your own needs but I have to say
I'm with Corinna.  I don't see how giving everyone read access to the 
security descriptor/attributes/extended attributes is a problem.  The 
file still can't be accessed unless that information says that it can 
for the current user.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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