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Re: CC1

On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 12:34:24AM -0500, Robert McNulty Junior wrote:
>I had a problem solved by going into /etc/profile
>cc1 was needed by 3.3.1 gcc. The directory where cc1 resides
>(/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1 needed to be placed in the path, so I
>added that to my profile under path.

No, no it does not need to be in the path with this or any other gcc.

>HTH someone facing similar problems in the future.

Please disregard this advice.  If you have this problem, there is
something else going on.  I suspect it is as simple as the fact that I
forgot to take gcc-mingw out of test.  Upgrading to gcc-mingw-20030911-2
should solve any problems with gcc -mno-cygwin .

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