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Re: Using both gcc 3.2-3 and gcc 3.3-1

On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 08:14:31AM +0300, Alex Vinokur wrote:
>"Christopher Faylor" <> wrote in message">
>>So the default gcc compiler for cygwin is now gcc 3.3.1.  The 3.2
>>compiler is currently available as prev, but be advised that if you
>>want to keep this around, you should make a copy of the tar ball
>>somewhere since it will disappear when the next gcc update comes out.
>>I don't plan on making a gcc32 package available as I did for gcc2.
>>Not gonna happen.  Don't even mention it.

>I would like to use both gcc 3.2-3 and gcc 3.3-1.  Is it possible?
>What and how do I download and install?

The intent of the above paragraph was to convey the opposite of what
you apparently thought.  I am not interested in maintaining or helping
to maintain 3.2 and 3.3.1 on the same system.  You're welcome to do
whatever you want, but please don't expect *me* for help set things

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